Kobo Writing Life: Helping you reach your readers, wherever they are
Our mission is to make it easy for you to get your work in front of readers all over the globe. Why?
Because we believe in stories. Stories shape who we are, words enhance our lives and can transform the world around us. We believe in empowering authors to publish those stories and share them with the world.
Kobo Writing Life is the free self-publishing portal that allows authors and publishers to easily create, edit, and upload eBooks to Kobo. When you choose to distribute your content through Kobo Writing Life (KWL), you’re making it available to millions of readers in over 200 countries. You are choosing to take advantage of Kobo’s strong retail partners around the world – we power the eBook side of many of the world’s most renowned bookstores. Kobo is focused on digital publishing and as such, we only offer eBooks and audiobooks, and do not offer paperback/hardcover book publishing or print-on-demand services. Publish to Kobo Writing Life today, and let us help you fulfill your dream of publishing your work and finding fans around the world.
If you own the digital rights to your content – be it one title or a hundred titles – we encourage you to consider distributing your content through Kobo.