When you're logged into your Kobo Writing Life account, click on the book you'd like to add to or remove from Kobo Plus. Select the “Rights and Distribution” tab on the right.
To opt your book into Kobo Plus, select “Available for Kobo Plus subscription.” To opt a book out, unselect that option.
You can choose to include your book in all territories Kobo Plus is available or select specific countries.
Opt in to all territories by selecting the checkbox and the option "Include everywhere Kobo Plus is available". This will make your book available for Kobo Plus in all available territories, including new territories we add in the future.
To select only certain territories, click on "Select specific territories for Kobo Plus" and you will be given the option to choose countries.
Once you’ve made the change, all you'll need to do is click Save and continue and your title will be added to or removed from Kobo Plus. If it's already published, all you need to do is click Save and return to Library.
If you'd like to bulk opt in your books, please let us know by sending us an email at writinglife@kobo.com. We can manually opt in these titles for you.