We now have the ability to transfer ratings and reviews from one Kobo book to another. Did you originally publish to Kobo through an aggregator, but now publish directly with Kobo Writing Life? We can move any existing ratings and reviews for you!
To submit a ratings and reviews transfer request, please fill out the following table and email it to writinglife@kobo.com:
Title | Author |
Old ISBN (no dashes or spaces) |
New ISBN (no dashes or spaces) |
Things to note:
- The ISBNs will need to be the specific ISBNs used on Kobo, and cannot include any spaces or dashes. You can find this in the eBook Details section of each book’s product page on the Kobo store.
- We complete transfers twice a month, so your transfers may not show on our site for a few weeks.
- We cannot transfer ratings or reviews from a book published outside of Kobo (e.g. on Amazon) to a book published on Kobo.