On Kobo.com customers can listen to a sample of your audiobook before they purchase the book. We highly recommend authors upload a sample of their book to entice readers and to let them get a feel for the narrator's style and plot of your book.
To upload a sample of your audiobook, please follow the steps below:
1. Before uploading the content files of your audiobook, you will be prompted to upload a sample file.
- You can only upload a single file here.
- We only accept audio files in .mp3 format.
- The file should not exceed 200 MB in size.
- Please do not include explicit material or spoilers.
2. You can then drag and drop the sample file into the dashboard or you can select the file from your desktop. Once uploaded you can listen to the upload to confirm the right file was selected.
3. When satisfied with your upload, you can then select “Publish” to save the audio sample to your audiobook.
That's it! The sample will be added to your product page in 24-72 hours. If your sample is not visible on the site within this timeframe, please email writinglife@kobo.com .