Can I publish audiobooks in other languages?
Yes! You can publish in whatever language you like.
Do I have to be exclusive with Kobo?
Never! We believe in reaching readers wherever and however they want to read, and we encourage you to make use of the many platforms available to you.
Does Kobo accept AI-narrated audiobooks?
Yes we do! If you do use AI narration for your audiobook, we simply ask that you indicate this in your metadata by listing your narrator contributor as Read by "Synthesized Voice," "Female Synthesized Voice," or "Male Synthesized Voice". See AI Narration and Audiobooks for more information.
How should I price my audio titles?
We want you to have complete control over your pricing. Take a look at other audio titles in your category and consider length and production cost when setting your price. See How To Set the Price on Your Audiobook for more details.
What is the payment rate for audio content?
For audiobooks, you will receive 45% of the list price for a-la-carte purchases, provided the list price is greater than, or equal to $2.99 USD. For subscription downloads, you will receive 32% of the list price.
I don't have an audiobook tab on my dashboard!
The audio tool is being rolled out slowly and it not yet active on all accounts. If you would like us to enable the tool on your dashboard, please email us to request it.
Can I opt my titles out of the audio subscription program?
We want to offer audiobooks however the reader wants to purchase them, so all Kobo audiobooks are offered via the subscription program as well as a-la-carte.
Can I distribute my audiobooks to libraries?
Not at this time.
I'm already selling my audio content on Kobo through a distributor. Are there any benefits to uploading my audiobooks directly?
Uploading your audiobooks directly will allow you to participate in the promotions that we run regularly with Kobo's audio merchandising team. As with eBooks, direct upload also gives you more control over your work, allowing you to make quick changes when needed.
Where are my audio sales reported?
While we are working on adding audiobook sales to the dashboard, we're not quite there yet. In the meantime, you can track your audiobook sales in your monthly sales report, by filtering by content type - audiobooks
How do I listen to a Kobo audiobook anyway?
Download the free Kobo mobile app, and you'll find all your eBook and audio content right there, in one handy place. Happy listening!